Exploit: Item Duplication

March 8, 2009 at 8:22 am (Exploits, Bugs, Glitches) (, , , , , , , , )

Item Duping

For this exploit we are going to be duping items. This dupe method is very easy and works nicely. Your server may or may not be affected, so to find out you will have to test it out.

The first step in duping an item is to get a full inventory. Fill up your inventory with items. The easiest way is to go to the Flaris Weapons NPC and buy a bunch of Long Swords for example. Make sure the items you want duplicated are in your inventory.

Once your inventory is completely full go ahead and open another FlyFF client. With a different account ID, login another character and go to yourself on the second client and trade yourself.

Now that the trade window is open between your two characters, go on the one with the full inventory and drag and drop the items you want duplicated in the trade window.

Now switch to the other character, and place a single item in the trade window, and for the sake of avoiding problems just make the item a weapon or armor piece.

Accept the trades on both characters. If working properly, you should get a “Trade canceled” dialog box. Now relog on both characters and with any luck you will still have the items on your original character and a new, extra, duplicated set of items on the other character. Your items are now duplicated.


  • Use caution with dual dupes.
  1. For example, if you are a Blade class and want to dupe your Legendary Golden Axe that has +14% Criticals and +12STR awake, then make sure when using the two axes that you have your inventory view setting in the Options set to off, so that others are not suspicious that the axes are exactly alike.

That’s all for duping. There aren’t much tips for this. If you have suggestions or otherwise please comment.

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Exploit: Awakening Stacking

March 8, 2009 at 6:57 am (Exploits, Bugs, Glitches) (, , , , , )

Hey guys. I’m going to tell you some basic exploits, or otherwise bugs, that can be used and abused on FlyFF private servers running the generic server files of Caali and the modified Caali server files.

Awakening Stacking

The very first bug I will tell you about is that of stacking your character stats via awakening. That is, you can achieve impossible stats, such as 100% criticals, walking speed, magic motion time, or even +12,000 STR. This is possible by abusing a bug in the server files that deals with awakening items.

To test whether the private server you are playing on is affected by this bug, simply buy a generic item such as a “Long Sword” from the Flaris Weapon NPC. Take the sword and awaken it. Note what you have awakened. Now drag the sword anywhere above the inventory, so that it is in your character area. So for example drag the sword to the area where your CS items are usually equipped. If the sword  equips (your character is holding it) then unfortunately the server is not affected. However, if it does not equip and/or you notice a change in your stats, then you are in luck!

Now, when looking for stats you want to look for negative stats on the awakened item. For example, if you awaken the sword and it is +15STR then it’s worthless. This is because the bug works with only negative awakens. What you are looking for is something nice like -15STR.

Once you have awakened an item with a large negative stat, the fun shall begin. As mentioned above, simply take the awakened item and drag and drop it on your character screen. Again, anywhere above your inventory is fine so long as it is not placed back in the inventory. Have your stats window open prior to doing this to see if the bug is working. If your STR increases by +15, for example, then you are in business. Keep dragging and dropping the item constantly until you achieve the desired amount of the stat you are after.

This can be combined with multiple awakens. For example say that I have a -15STR -2DEX sword, a -14% critical sword, and a -8STA sword. I can just drag all 3 of the sword over time for a super character. Another fun thing to do is to have a BP and to get a -MP item and a -STR item. Combine these for the most insane asal you will ever put out.


  • Do not level near others if stacking.
  1. If leveling, never kill mobs around other players. If you stacked a lot of stats it will be extremely noticeable and others will take note. If you don’t want to be banned, always keep the navigator open and/or watch for others nearby.
  • Stack high and kill high mobs.
  1. Stack extremely high stats if you want to level very fast, be aware though as you may kill mobs 30+ levels higher, that they can still kill you UNLESS you stack STA and/or DEF. DEF is preferred as once you are over 1,000+ or so defense they will hit 0 on you.
  • Do not log off or disconnect.
  1. Logging out, disconnecting, or otherwise will revert your stats back to normal. They are not permanent.
  • Use caution when teleporting.
  1. Teleporting to another world (such as Azria, the Arena, etc) will take away certain stacked stats. Such stats as walking speed, +MP/FP/HP, magic motion, and etc. Main stats (STR, etc) are not affected.
  • Awaken items that are not that of your class.
  1. If you are a vagrant, then awaken any 15+ level class items (but not that of the class you are going to be). If you are a mage, awaken mercenery weapons for example. This is because if you want to drag and drop fast, you will sometimes accidently double-click the awakened item.
  2. If it is of your class or a vagrant item, it will then be equipped and you will have to un-equip it to continue stacking. This can be avoided by simply awakening items not of your class, and you will be given ‘this item is not for your class’ if you accidently double-click it. This is just a time saver.
  • Do not awaken green items for stacking.
  1. Green unique items should not be used for stacking because simply they give positive stats already. For example if your server has Legendary Golden Axe in the shops and you buy it for stacking and awaken it for -25STR, then that is all good. However, because the LGA already gives +20% Critical and +40% Damage of Crits it will actually go against you and give you +25STR, -20% Critical, and -40% Damage of Crits. For that reason, never awaken greens for stacking.
  • Use certain stacks carefully.
  1. Certain lows of stacking such as extremely low walking speed items (for example, -15STR, +12% Speed) that are stacked several times can cause your client to crash when you walk. This is because for example your walking speed would be in the negatives and you would walk slower than is possible, causing the client to crash.

Well that’s about it on this bug. If you have any contributions, questions, suggestions, or otherwise please leave a comment.

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